Other Expression Syntax Options

Writing out those basic single-property expressions can get pretty tedious. So there are other options.

Expression() Method

The Stem base class provides a protected method that just returns the lambda expression given as its only argument. But this allows some type inference to kick in.

Firestorm doesn't use the declared type of the property, but it's return value. This means we can use Expression or LambdaExpression as the return type, to give it a cleaner look.

public class ArtistsStem : Stem<Artist>
    [Get, Identifier]
    public static Expression Id => Expression(a => a.Id);

    public static Expression Name => Expression(a => a.Name);

    public static Expression StartDate => Expression(a => a.StartDate);

This way we haven't had to write out the type at all.

Auto Mapping

Another option is to declare a property of the same signature as the property in the expression.

For safety, Firestorm requires the AutoExpr attribute in these cases.

public class ArtistsStem : Stem<Artist>
    [Get, AutoExpr]
    public static string Id { get; }

    [Get, AutoExpr]
    public static string Name { get; }

    [Get, AutoExpr]
    public static DateTime StartDate { get; }

It's worth highlighting that these are purely descriptive and will be interpreted as Expression properties anyway. If you set the value of the above properties, it will be ignored.

Expressions will still be needed for more complex expressions. Those can be used alongside your auto mapped properties.

public class ArtistsStem : Stem<Artist>
    [Get, AutoExpr]
    public static string ID { get; }

    [Get, AutoExpr]
    public static string Name { get; }

    public static Expression<Func<Album, bool>> HasStreamableAlbum
        get { return a => a.Albums.Any(a => a.Streams.Any(s => s.IsAvailable)); }

Using your own mapping rules

You can extend or override the mapping rules by registering your own implementation of IPropertyAutoMapper. For example, you could use your own rules from AutoMapper.

    .Add<IPropertyAutoMapper, MyPropertyAutoMapper>();

By default, Firestorm will use the DefaultPropertyAutoMapper. You could also use this as a fallback in your own implementation.

public class DefaultPropertyAutoMapper : IPropertyAutoMapper
    public LambdaExpression MapExpression(PropertyInfo property, Type itemType)
        var samePropertyName = itemType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == property.Name);

        ParameterExpression paramExpression = Expression.Parameter(itemType);
        LambdaExpression expression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Property(paramExpression, samePropertyName), paramExpression);
        return expression;