
Firestorm provides basic authorization at a field, item and collection levels.


v1.0 provides basic authorization. A more comprehensive set of authorisation features is planned for a future version.

AuthorizeAttribute for fields

The Authorize attribute determines whether the API user can access the field.

The attribute can allow specific Users or Roles, as with ASP.NET MVC's AuthorizeAttribute.

public class ArtistsStem : Stem<Artist>
    public static Expression<Func<Artist, string>> Name
        get { return a => a.Name; }

    [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
    public void SetName(Artist artist, string name)
        artist.OldName = artist.Name;
        artist.Name = name;
        artist.NameChangedDate = DateTime.Now;
PUT /artists/123/name

401 Unauthorized                
    "error": "authorization",
    "message": "You do not have permissions to set the 'name' field."

PermissionExpression for items

The Stem<> class declares the virtual property Expression<Func<TItem, ItemPermission>> PermissionExpression for you to override with item-level permissions.

The ItemPermission enum returned by this expression determines what actions the user can do for the given item.

public enum ItemPermission
    None = 0,
    Read = 1,
    Write = 2,
    ReadWrite = Write | Read,
    Delete = 4,
    ReadWriteDelete = Delete | ReadWrite,

For example, you can make an expression that allows the user to view all artists, but only edit their own.

public class ArtistsStem : Stem<Artist>
    public override Expression<Func<Artist, ItemPermission>> PermissionExpression
        get { return a => a.OwnedByUsername == User.Username ? ItemPermission.ReadWrite : ItemPermission.Read; }

This is particularly handy if you want to limit a collection to only return certain items. The expression is used in the Where clause in the final LINQ query.

This method defaults to return null, where no filter will be added to the final query and all users are assumed to have full ReadWriteDelete permissions.

CanAddItem for collections

Finally, there's another virtual method, bool CanAddItem().

public class ArtistsStem : Stem<Artist>
    public override bool CanAddItem()
        return User.IsInRole("Create_Artists");

This method defaults to always return true, allowing any user to add new items to the collection.