NuGet Packages

Due to the modular design of Firestorm, there are many NuGet packages available to meet your needs. You won't need all of them.

See the Installation tutorial for more of a step-by-step guide.


The eye of the storm.

The Firestorm.Core package contains the core abstractions used by other Firestorm packages.


Firestorm.Endpoints translates HTTP requests into calls to the Firestorm Core abstractions.

It brings together sub-packages such as Formatting and Responses and allows configuring your APIs default behaviour.


Firestorm.Host is the base package for adapting web hosting technologies to use Firestorm Endpoints.

It is rarely used on its own, unless you're building support for a new Web API Framework. This is used by the AspNetCore2, Owin and AspNetWebApi2packages.

ASP.NET Core 2

ASP.NET Core middleware and helpers.

Install-Package Firestorm.AspNetCore2


OWIN middleware and helpers

Install-Package Firestorm.Owin

Web API 2.0

ASP.NET Web API 2 controller and helpers

Install-Package Firestorm.AspNetWebApi2


The Firestorm Engine builds the IQueryable objects that are executed by your ORM.

The Engine itself isn't designed to be used directly by your application. It is used by Stems and Fluent packages.


The Firestorm.Data package used by the Engine defined abstractions for your ORM or persistence framework. There are several possible implementations you could use.

Entity Framework 6

Use Entity Framework as a data source.

Install-Package Firestorm.EntityFramework6

Entity Framework Core 2

Use Entity Framework Core as a data source.

Install-Package Firestorm.EntityFrameworkCore2


The Firestorm.Stems package installs all sub-packages required to use Stems in your application.

Install-Package Firestorm.Stems


The Firestorm.Stems.Essentials package only installs the basic features for Stems, without including Roots or any hosting extensions.

This package could be used if your Stem classes are defined in a sub-library designed to be referenced by your main host library.

Install-Package Firestorm.Stems.Essentials


The Firestorm.Fluent package installs all sub-packages required to use the Fluent API in your application.

Install-Package Firestorm.Fluent


As with Stems, the .Fuel package also only installs basic features.

This package could be used if your ApiContext is defined in a sub-library.

Install-Package Firestorm.Fluent.Fuel


For convinience, the package for the root namespace Firestorm is a metapackage that contains a common setup of:

  • Endpoints
  • ASP.NET Core 2.0
  • Entity Framework Core 2.0
  • Stems
  • Fluent API
Install-Package Firestorm