Builder API

You can override the OnApiCreating method in your derived RestContext and use the IApiBuilder to configure your API.

public class FootballRestContext : RestContext
    protected override void OnApiCreating(IApiBuilder apiBuilder)
        // Use apiBuilder here

The starting point for root items is the .Item<T>() method, which returns a builder.


Items can be automatically configured. This pulls all public properties and uses the NamingConventionSwitcher to determine the field's key in your API.

    protected override void OnApiCreating(IApiBuilder apiBuilder)


Configuring manually

Or you can configure the items manually.

public class FootballRestContext : RestContext
    protected override void OnApiCreating(IApiBuilder apiBuilder)
        apiBuilder.Item<Team>(e =>
            e.RootName = "teams";

            e.Field(t => t.Name);

            e.Field(t => t.FoundedYear)

            e.Field(t => t.Players)
                .IsCollection(p => {
                    p.Field(p => p.Name);
                    p.Field(p => p.SquadNumber);

        apiBuilder.Item<Player>(e =>
            e.RootName = "players";

            e.Field(p => p.Name)

            e.Field(p => p.Team)

You can also extend the auto configured items this way.