NuGet Packages

Due to the modular design of Firestorm, there are many NuGet packages available to meet your needs. You won't need all of them.

However, to try and simplify installation, it's not separated completely as one package per assembly. Some packages group together mutliple projects that are almost always used together.

See the Installation tutorial for more of a step-by-step guide.


The eye of the storm.

The Firestorm.Core package contains the Firestorm.Core and Firestorm.Core.Web libraries.

This is rarely used on its own, but is a dependency used by all the other packages.


Firestorm.Endpoints is the base package for Firestorm Endpoint technologies. It also contains the Formatting and Start libraries.

Again, rarely used on its own, unless you're building support for a new Web API Framework. This is used by the AspNetCore, Owin and AspNetWebApipackages.


ASP.NET Core middleware and helpers.

Install-Package Firestorm.AspNetCore -prerelease


OWIN middleware and helpers

Install-Package Firestorm.Owin -prerelease

Web API 2.0

ASP.NET Web API 2 controller and helpers

Install-Package Firestorm.AspNetWebApi2 -prerelease


The Firestorm Engine isn't available as a package on it's own. It may be at a later date.

The Firestorm.Data package used by the Engine is available though, and is used by two data technologies that you'd reference depending on your preference.

Entity Framework 6

Use Entity Framework as a data source.

Install-Package Firestorm.EntityFramework6 -prerelease

Entity Framework Core 2

Use Entity Framework Core as a data source.

Install-Package Firestorm.EntityFrameworkCore2 -prerelease


The Firestorm.Stems package installs Firestorm.Stems along with the sub Attributes and Attributes.Basic.

On its own, this package can be used in a sub-library containing only your Stem classes.

Install-Package Firestorm.Stems -prerelease


The Firestorm.Stems.All package depends on Firestorm.Stems, but also adds Roots.DataSource, Roots.Derive and Roots.Start, all of which are also available as separate packages.

The .All package just provides a nice-and-easy facade to install in your application.

Install-Package Firestorm.Stems.All -prerelease


The Firestorm.Fluent package installs only the Firestorm.Fluent library. This could be used if your RestContext was in a different project.

Install-Package Firestorm.Fluent -prerelease


As with Stems, the .All package also installs Firestorm.Fluent.Fuel and Firestorm.Fluent.Start. This would usually be referenced in your application.

Install-Package Firestorm.Fluent.All -prerelease