Solution architecture


At the heart of Firestorm is a basic abstraction of a DI container.

Other packages will provide extensions for IFirestormServicesBuilder to allow easy configuration of various Firestorm features.


A fundamental concept is this small set of interfaces and classes defining the types of resources and what you can do with them.

  • Scalars are single values i.e. strings, numbers, dates and bools.
  • Items are a set of unique field names that describe an object mapped to another resource value.
  • Collections contain several items that can be identified, queried and grouped.
  • Dictionaries are collections that have been grouped by a specific field.
  • Directories are sets of named collections, usually used for the root resource.


Just outside that, another set of classes set-out a common way to describe resource data and actions that are transmitted.

  • Resource Body
  • Feedback
    • Acknowledgment says the request has been fulfilled.
    • Error states someone went wrong when processing the request.
    • Multi Response is an array of Feedback responses


Defines an abstraction of a web host and a IRequestInvoker interface for each host to call.

There are several implementations for different web frameworks: - ASP.NET Core - OWIN - Web API

The IStartResourceFactory is also defined here, which retrieves the first resource in the chain (e.g. a directory).


Simply defining a common Repository and Unit of Work pattern.

  • Repository
  • Transaction
  • Data Source


Endpoints are consumers of Firestorm Core that expose a RESTful API.

Behaviour is encapsulated by an implementation of Firestorm.Host.IRequestInvoker.


Resources are queried and updated using implementations of IRestEndpoint, e.g. RestCollectionEndpoint, RestItemEndpoint, RestScalarEndpoint.

IRestEndpoint defines a Next method, allowing the endpoints to be chained together.



Serialises and deserialises resource bodies into common web data formats.

  • JSON
  • XML
  • YAML
  • URL Encoded


Defines a set of Modifiers that together build a Response object to return to the client.


The Engine is an implementation of Firestorm Core that uses Expression Trees to build queries for an IQueryable. It makes use of deferred execution.

It's also a consumer of Firestorm Data.


Defines an IEngineContext to be used in Engine resources. The context contains interfaces that describe how to:

  • Manage the data transaction lifetime.
  • Query and add to the data repository.
  • Identify items within a collection.
  • Read and write fields.
  • Check the request is authorised.


Provides logic to create common field readers and writers from PropertyInfo, LambdaExpression, delegates and others.


The implementation of Firestorm Core resources. Resources are implemented by passing an IEngineContext instance around as the resources are navigated.

RestEngineCollection<>, RestEngineItem<>, RestEngineScalar<> all require the IEngineContext instance as a constructor parameter.


Extending the implementation to include navigation properties. Several IEngineContext implementations for different types of entity relationships combine to build nested queries, essentially using .Select() and .SelectMany().


A few entity libraries are available to integrate with your ORM.

These are all implementations of interfaces defined in Firestorm.Data that encapsulate the ORM framework.


Stems provides ways to decorate classes to describe your REST API.


Each Stem<> class handles one item type (for example a DTO or auto-generated Entity class) and maps API behaviours to its members.


Contains implementations of the interfaces used by the Engine, providing a StemEngineContext that uses a cached analysis of the Definitions.

Cache is built using factories and resolvers from the IStemsFeatureSet objects in the StemConfiguration.


Defines the attributes used to decorate Stem classes and ways to analyse them to build Definitions.

Two feature sets are exposed by default: - Basic: builds the expressions and delegates from the main Get, Set and Identifier attributes. - Substems: navigate though sub-collections and sub-items defined with the Substem attribute.


The Roots library provides an IRootResourceFactory interface that give the root directory.

There are two main implementations: - Derive: Create Root<> classes that handle the same type of item as the Stem<> class. - DataSource: Pass in an implementation of IDataSource and decorate Stems with the DataSourceRoot attribute.


The Fluent API is a simpler alternative to Stems. It is not as feature-rich, but more compact and sometimes more familiar.



Much like Stems, contains implementations of the interfaces used by the Engine, providing a FluentEngineContext.


Grouped together, this gives us an overall solution architecture looking like this:


And it's not particularly helpful, but it's kinda cool to look at, so here's everything in one giant diagram:
